Sunday 17 March 2013

Synopsis of my script

I decided that if I was to go about writing a script, I should first think of the storyline for my script. I typed up a quick synopsis to help me start:

In an isolated village named ‘Tekopan’ located on the outskirts of town, lived a small family who seemed normal in the eye of an outsider. However, they had a secret, their son Aaron Lawson suffered from a brain disorder that caused him to hear voices. One night, at the age of 12, he watched the murder of his sister. However, silenced and unable to do anything, he realised that it was he who killed her.

Six years later, a group of friends stumbling upon this rumour decide to camp out at village Tekopan to see if they could uncover some unknown truths. However they discover too much and now Aaron, he's after them.

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