Sunday 17 March 2013

Third section of report

Conclusively, the overall results of the final products are effective. When compared to the texts that I have researched I have aimed to follow the codes and conventions of horror film DVD covers and posters. Starting off with my DVD cover and poster I have followed the basic media language of following the formats and symbols used and also the way that I have laid out the text makes it recognisable that it is under the category of horror. I have included a lot of the genre conventions of horror, such as the use of the colour red which has connotations of evil or more obvious, bloodshed. In addition to this, the use of the colour black which is typically seen on a lot of DVD covers and posters of the horror genre. I have also used the font ‘Trajan Pro’ which is typically conceived with the horror genre as it is widely used on an array of horror posters such as ‘Urban Legend’ and ‘I know what you did last summer’. Also, I was aware of the narrative codes and conventions most typically used and made sure to include them in my production pieces. An example of this would be that I use close up shots: for instance on the front of my DVD cover and for my poster. Also, I used extreme close up shots too, which can be seen on the back of my DVD cover. The weakness however, for my production pieces, is the fact that I have a lack of representation of different races and thus it may not target those who are not Caucasian. However, I feel as though I have engaged the target audience that I had intended, I know this because I shared my work on a social networking site and received positive feedback on the fact that I have created a suspenseful mood. 

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